This is the third post in a series centered around a graphic design challenge of making something new everyday for a year. This post follows days 61 to 86 with a focus on lettering and photoshop work. The source material was based off of Marvel comic book characters.
Read MoreDaily Graphic Design Challenge - Days 31 to 60 - Lettering/Photoshop
This is the second post in a series centered around a graphic design challenge of making something new everyday for a year. This post follows days 31 to 60 with a focus on lettering and photoshop work. The source material was based off of the Indiana Jones films.
Read MoreDaily Graphic Design Challenge - Days 01 to 30 - Color
This is the first post in a series centered around a graphic design challenge of making something new everyday for a year. This first post follows day 1 to day 30 with a focus on color exploration.
Read MoreLettering Study - #02 - Parker: The Score
#02 features the work of Darwyn Cooke on the series Parker: The Score, produced by IDW Publishing.
Read MoreCreating Comic Books - Part 8 - Promo/Analytics Revisited
Revisiting results of promotional attempts eight months after the first issue release of the series RELIVE on Comixology.
Read MoreCreating Comic Book - Part 7 - Promo & Analytics
This post is to discuss self promotion efforts once your comic book is out in the world and what methods can be employed to gauge how successful certain promotional and social media tactics are.
Read MoreRELIVE #1 Available on Comixology
The first issue of the series RELIVE that I wrote is now available for purchase on Comixology.
Special thanks for the time, skill and effort of Orion Zangara. Thanks for taking a chance on me. I'd also like to thank Cosmo Iannopollo and Michael Ackerson for their support and insight.
Lettering Study - #01 - Sam and Twitch
This is the first post in a series that focuses on studying different comic book lettering styles.
#01 features the work by Richard Starkings on the series Sam and Twitch, produced by Image comics in the late 1990s.
Read MoreComic Book Influences
This is my list of the top 10 comic book series that have inspired me to get into creating comic books.
Read MoreComic Book Lettering Techniques - The Basics
To start the new year off, I'm going to show you some basic lettering techniques for your comic book. For this initial tutorial I'll be using Adobe InDesign (I'll be showing it on version CS6 - I know this is out of date at this point, but the technique carries over to the latest CC version).
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